Camperdown Lane Blog — camperdown lane
Our Homes Part 2 - Sarah's House
Posted by Michelle Nugent on
In this blog we move on from Kate's house to take a look inside Sarah's house (you can read the post about Kate's house here if you missed it) Sarah has recently moved into her new home after almost two years of living with the folks while extensive remodelling took place. Sarah had been living in a 3 bedroomed semi but the time had come to move due to her expanding family (she has five kids. Yes, five!). So she bought... a 3 bedroomed semi! However, Sarah and her partner Ryan could see that this new house had the potential...
Scent of a Gent
Posted by Michelle Nugent on
Introducing the new candle fragrance by Willow and Honey, AKA the Mandle. Cuban Tobacco and Oak is ideal for the man in your life or to make your house smell like the man you want to get to know! Tasteful, masculine, sophisticated and entirely delicious. If Valentine's didn't deliver, this will. Available online and in the shop in both 220g and 60g sizes. #candle #mandle #scentofagent #scentedcandles #natural #madeinuk #camperdownlane #willowandhoney #homeaccessories